Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catching Up

This has been a busy few weeks. Doug got his wisdom teeth cut out last week so between that and feeling a little quesy myself, we were a rather sorry sight! Luckily the doctor gave me some pills for my sickness and they seem to be helping. My birthday was last Saturday so Doug took me to eat in Raleigh and we went and looked at lots of baby stuff. That's what I wanted to do! it has been rather crazy lately but I would rather be busy than bored!


Joy said...

So you're getting sick, huh? I'm sorry. I hope it doesn't get too bad. But it won't last long. I don't even remember feeling too sick. I actually got sick a few times from brushing my teeth, or from holding my razor in my mouth in the shower. Weird. :) I love you!!

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

It stinks feeling sick, but it's for a good reason. I threw up the entire time...Hopefully, you'll get to feeling better after the first trimester. Are you going to find out if the baby is a boy or girl? If so, make sure to let us know :)

nina3 said...

hey, it was so nice to hear from you. Congradulations on the baby!!!!! That is so exciting seems like everyone one is having a baby. Stay in touch Kristina Brisibn Reagan