This post is all about babies! Aren't they cute! It seems like everyone I know is having a baby or just had a baby. My friend Joy is having a boy named Jackson in December, my good friend from church Jessica is having a baby any day now and she is naming him Jackson as well. Mrs. Mindy, my pastor's wife is having a boy in February. I think they are going to name him Micah. So it seemed appropriate to show some pictures of some sweet babies! And maybe someday I'll have one of my own.

This is Tyler Pearce. Isn't he a cutie?

This is Macy, my preacher's middle girl. She is almost three and crazy! She keeps telling me that she wants to go home and stay with me and Bro. Doug.

This is Merry, preacher's youngest daughter. She is such a ham. She is 15 months old and has NO desire to walk on her own. Why should she, she knows someone will carry her!
Helllloooo Jenn! Thanks for signing my blog! I didn't even know you had one! Good way to keep in touch...and watch out for more visitors...I added you to my bloggerland. Of course, not that mine sees much traffic :o)
Looking forward to reading 'bout the days of your life!
The babies ARE so cute! You're so good about updating your blog. I enjoy reading it & seeing all of the pics :)
Ahh, so sweet. They change so fast, too. Maybe you will have one of your own sooner than you think. ;)
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