Friday, August 15, 2008

The Home Stretch

Well, I went to the doctor today! He basically told me that Denton is going to be HUGE! Well ok, not in those words. He did say that he will be 8 1/2 pounds plus! Yikes! I'm sure he'll have a huge head as well! He also said that unless I go before he wants to induce me next Friday, August 22. That's a whole 3 days early! Better than three days late! Needless to say, I'm excited and yet scared to death at the same time! Only one more week!


Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

Praying that all goes well!

Steph said...

I had a huge baby too. He was 9.5 pounds. We knew ahead as well so the doctor induced. It endend up going great. I'll be praying for you.

Joy said...

Aahhh! You're almost there! Jackson was supposed to be over 8 pounds too, but he wasn't. Well, I'm praying for you and I'll call you soon!

Matt and Trisha Bookout said...

We are prayin for you. Keep us updated! :)